Qallo Stories: Nele

Nele Verheyden holding a Qallo® Shaker with Wild Berries.

You've probably seen her shine already on our website or Instagram before, but a proper introduction is in place! Meet Nele, one of the proud ambassadors of the Qallo brand. And she's a special one. She's the true embodiment of what we stand for with Qallo, and even wears a Qallo sign with her everyday. Get to know the sporty-chic a bit better below.

“Nele, could you introduce yourself to us?”

Sure thing! I'm Nele, I'm an occupational and creative therapist and work in special education with children with multiple disabilities. My job brings a lot of value to my life and is therefore super valuable to me. Together with a good friend of mine, I also have a blog (@fivemoreminutesblog) where we share ideas and tips about beauty, fashion, lifestyle and deco.

I'm someone that just can't sit still, although I don't shy away from lazy TV evenings from time to time. Apart form work, I try to exercise regularly to keep my body a bit 'in shape'. With good reason, because I have a great love for food! Food, food, glorious food. Field hockey, inline skating, krav maga, cycling and fitness are the sports I really like.

I like to make drawings and paintings and I love to repair stuff. What also interests me is fashion: I'm a real shopaholic, but hey, I'm helping the economy! (Mommy, I hope you read this).

Nele Verheyden holding a Qallo® Shaker in nature.

“What makes you like Qallo so much?”

What I like about Qallo? That's an easy one! I really love the energetic vibe Qallo sparks. It might sound cheesy, but just thinking about the drink, I simply get excited!

Both at home and at work, I have a tub and some sachets of Qallo®, for when I feel my body gets tired. With Qallo®, I can give it a natural and healthy boost. A healthy lifestyle is something I really pursue. A bottle with water, a scoop of Tropical Fruits, shake shake shake, and boom! I'm ready to go!

Nele Verheyden holding a Qallo® Shaker in a sports outfit.

“You're an ambassador of the brand. Why is that?”

First of all, I'm really proud to be a Qallo ambassador. That's because the vibe and vision of the brand matches 100% with mine. Another important thing for me, is the environment. For instance, it's easy to mix your Qallo in your own reusable bottle. A whole other story compared to (unhealthy and overly sugared) canned energy drinks you buy in the supermarket.

Also, Qallo's energizer is powered by plant extracts, vitamins and natural caffeine. Only good stuff, and it's oh-so tasty! Awoooh!

Nele Verheyden showing her lightning bolt tattoo.

“There's something we share, wanna tell us a little more about that?”

Oh, yes! We wear the same sign - with pride. Just like Qallo, I feel like a lightning bolt, I love to spark positive energy, and I love to drink some -extra - energy. And that's why I have a small tattoo of a lightning bolt on my arm (which looks a bit like the Qallo lightning bolt).

You'll probably see Nele from time to time on our feed. Next time you see her, give her some love and positive energy, just like she loves to spark her positive energy and vibes with the world. ❤️

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