CLOSER by Wim Tellier x Qallo

Droneshot from CLOSER by Wim Tellier

Bucket list material: live stream from the biggest printed picture in the world, check! Last Sunday our partnered streamer ZicZacKitty streamed live on top of the Art Project CLOSER of Wim Tellier, powered by Qallo.

Artist Wim Tellier made the biggest even canvas print, measuring 105 meters x 68 meters. The project is called CLOSER and it's a man wearing a hazmat suit. Wim explains: "You see one individual, a man in a fire suit, striking a very confident pose. He seems invincible, as if nothing can happen to him."

"But that is only an illusion", Tellier continuous, "because the man in the protective suit eventually takes on a completely different form. The suit is perforated and sunflowers grow through it, creating a stark contrast with that initially confident pose. The organic seeds overpower him and eventually overwhelm him."

Livestream on top by ZicZacKitty

For the closing event - last Sunday - of the CLOSER our very own Ziccy did a livestream on top of the canvas and created her own version of CLOSER in Minecraft. Want to see what that looked like? Check it out in the video below!

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